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2016 Pre-Storm Checklist.jpg

Members and Valued Partners


Weather in our community can be as threatening and dangerous as it is beautiful. Center Peace Ministries is here to help you prepare for hurricanes and other major emergencies. Hurricane season is from June 1 – November 30, with the peak occurring between mid-August and late October.


We are committed to ensuring the safety of our Members and partners in South Louisiana and we’re calling on you to prepare with us. Knowing your risk, getting prepared, and staying informed are just a few steps you can take to get ready for hurricane season.


Occasionally, hurricanes can be an unfortunate reality in Louisiana. Again, Hurricane season occurs annually from June 1st through November 30th. Our goal is to provide information and resources to help you develop a personal Hurricane Evacuation Plan. While a major hurricane is not a common occurrence, it is imperative that you, your family develop a personal evacuation plan and be ready to implement that plan, if necessary.




When a Tropical Storm or Hurricane threatens Louisiana, the Ministry Website is always the best place for Members, Partners to obtain the latest information. 




The Ministry has a wealth of emergency preparedness resources that you, your family can access to assist in planning.


At a minimum, emergency plans should address the following:

  1. Communications: Designate an out-of-state relative or friend to serve as a family contact.

  2. Supplies: Build or purchase an emergency kit with all the supplies needed for 3-5 days.

  3. Protecting Valuables: Purchase rental insurance and take pictures/inventory of personal possessions.

  4. Protecting Data: Back up computer data, keep information on a jump drive when evacuating to another location.

  5. Transportation: Keep cars filled with gas and check tire pressures (including spare). Know how you, your family will evacuate and the route to be taken if an evacuation is ordered. During an ordered evacuation, transportation may be provided (charter buses) to local airports and hurricane shelters.




Hurricane shelters are designed for safety, not comfort. Accommodations are extremely basic. Families who choose to stay in a local shelter should be prepared to sleep on the floor of a common area. Food and water will be provided, but we it is recommended families bring a sleeping bag, blanket, pillow, snacks and all prescription medications.




When an evacuation is ordered, ALL PERSONS are expected to comply immediately.




In the immediate aftermath of a storm, communications may be disrupted. Again, please check our Website for the latest information. All members should attempt to contact family, friends immediately by any available means (telephone, text, email, social media, etc.).


If the Church Building is evacuated, MEMBERS SHOULD NOT ATTEMPT TO RETURN TO THE BUILDING until instructed to do so via an Alert from the Pastor, the Elders, Deacons or notice via the website. 


To assist the Ministry in the reuni­fication and recovery process, Members will be asked to check-in and indicate their whereabouts by accessing the website at or email




We encourage you, your family to develop your personal emergency plan now, not when the threat of a storm is imminent, and be ready to implement that plan in case South Louisiana and/or the Ministry/Church/School Building are threatened by a storm.


As Louisianians, we know better than anyone that preparedness saves lives. As we continue to do everything we can to stop the spread of coronavirus (shelter in place, social distance, wear our masks, wash our hands) so we can get back to our everyday lives, we must also prepare for what lies ahead.


The 2020 hurricane season is here and preparing for a storm this year looks very much different. You’re probably asking questions like: How can I evacuate if I’m socially distancing? What would a hurricane shelter look like if we’re avoiding crowds? How do I build a disaster preparedness kit for my family if I can’t go to the store?


You can find resources and information to answer many of these questions at the following below links:


LA Governor's Office Emergency Preparedness Link


Red Cross Safety Checklist


FEMA-How To Prepare For A Hurricane


Hurricane Preparedness Checklist


211-United Way-Emergency Preparedness




Louisiana Agency Directory


Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals


Louisiana DOTD Transportation Emergency Information   511


Louisiana Department of Insurance (Medicare & Prescription Drugs For Seniors


Department of Children and Family Services


Louisiana Department of Education


Prepare For Natural  Disasters


Flood Survival Guide


FEMA Flood Portal


FEMA Be Ready


Weather Related Closures


Entergy-1-800-9 outage


DEMCO-1-800-My Demco




Louisiana Get A Game Plan


Louisiana Emergency Preparedness Guide


East Baton Rouge Parish of Homeland Security (Call 211 or 311)


Southern University Emergency Preparedness


LSU Office of Emergency Preparedness


LSU College of Agriculture


BRCC Emergency Preparedness


Emergency Resources For Businesses


Our continued goal is to do everything we can to inform, educate and assist but it is up to us all to be proactive, take responsibility, comply with all Federal, State, local mandates and guard our most precious assets, our families.


We know everyone is exhausted from the effects of coronavirus, but we cannot let our guards down.


We ask you stay tuned to your local news reports for in time emergency updates, (see below)



and follow the direction of local law enforcement and emergency management officials.


Remember, you can rebuild your home, but you cannot rebuild your life. We must keep doing everything we can to take care of each other and protect our families. Don’t wait to take action. Prepare, remain prepared now.


Hurricane Watch = conditions possible within the next 48 hrs.

Steps to take:

  • Review your evacuation route(s)

  • Monitor TV or radio for official information on the storm.

  • Fuel family vehicles.

  • Prepare to cover all window and door openings with shutters or plywood. Bring lawn furniture and other loose objects indoors.

  • Withdraw cash.

  • Turn refrigerator, freezer to coolest settings and store drinking water.

  • Make arrangements for pets.

  • Review the items in your disaster supply kit; and add items to meet the household needs for children, parents, individuals with disabilities or other access and functional needs or pets.


Hurricane Warning = conditions are expected within 36 hrs.

Steps to take:

  • Check-in with family and friends by texting or using social media.

  • Store valuables and personal papers in a waterproof container on the highest level of your home.

  • If power is lost, turn off major appliances to reduce power surge when electricity is restored.




Know Your Risk:

  • Search for general information about risks in Louisiana

  • Check out GOHSEP’s historical hurricane tracks tool to check the severity and frequency of past hurricanes in your area. 


Get Prepared:

​Take action now to be prepared for Hurricane season. As the storm approaches, it is often too late to get ready. Make sure you have family evacuation, communications plans, update your emergency supply kit, and evaluate your flood insurance needs.


  • Know your zone. Evacuations are more common than people realize. Make yourself familiar with your community's evacuation zones so you’ll know exactly where to go. Remember: if a hurricane threatens your community and local officials say it’s time to evacuate, don’t hesitate — go early.

  • Complete a family communication plan. Plan how you will assemble your family and loved ones, anticipate where you will go for different situations. Get together with your family, agree on the ways to contact one another in an emergency, identify meeting locations, and make a Family Emergency Communication Plan. .

  • Download the FEMA app. The FEMA App includes disaster resources, weather alerts, safety tips, and a new feature that will enable users to receive push notifications to their devices to prepare their homes, families for disasters. The app also provides a customizable checklist of emergency supplies, maps of open shelters, recovery centers, tips on how to survive disasters, and weather alerts from the National Weather Service.

  • Download the Red Cross Hurricane app. Monitor Hurricane conditions in your local area, throughout the storm track, and let others know you are safe even if the power is out. This app is available via the Apple App Store or Google Play; or text “GETCANE” to 90999.

  • Check your insurance coverage. Many areas have increased deductibles for hurricanes and not all hurricane-related losses are covered under traditional policies. Most homeowner’s insurance policies do not cover damage or losses from flooding. Review your policy, ensure you’re adequately covered, understand exclusions, and contact your agent for any changes. If you’re not insured against flood, talk to your agent or visit Renter’s insurance policies are also available and should be considered as a way of protecting your belongings.


Stay Informed:

  • Know where to go for trusted sources of information during a hurricane event.

  • Track the hurricane with the Governors Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness. GOHSEP.

  • Monitor local news for hurricane watches and warnings in your area and follow directions of local officials.

  • Make sure you have a battery-operated radio available should the power go out.

Additional information for Hurricane preparedness is available at




Actions to Take:


  • Let Your Family Know You’re Safe. If we experienced a disaster, register on the American Red Cross Safe and Well website to let your family and friends know you are safe. You may also call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) and select the prompt for “Disaster” to register yourself and your family.

  • Listen to local officials for updates and instructions.

  • If you evacuated, return home ONLY when officials say it is safe.

  • Once home, drive only if necessary, avoid flooded roads and washed-out bridges. If you must go out, watch for fallen objects in the road, downed electrical wires, weakened walls, bridges, roads and sidewalks that might collapse.

  • Walk carefully around the outside of your home to check for loose power lines, gas leaks and structural damage.

  • Stay out of any building if you smell gas, if floodwaters remain around the building or if the building or home was damaged by fire and the authorities have not declared it safe.

  • Carbon monoxide poisoning is one of the leading causes of death after storms in areas dealing with power outages. Never use a portable generator inside your home or garage. Review generator safety.

  • Open windows and doors to ventilate and dry your home.

  • Use battery-powered flashlights. Do NOT use candles. Turn on your flashlight before entering a vacated building. The battery could produce a spark that could ignite leaking gas, if present.

  • Watch out for tornadoes, which are often produced by hurricanes and can cause much of the destruction.

  • Use your telephone for emergency calls only.

  • Beware of snakes, insects, and animals driven to higher ground by flood water.

  • Take pictures of damage, both to the house and its contents, for insurance claims.


How to Get Help:


Contact United Way’s 2-1-1 Helpline. Just dial 2-1-1 or 800-273-TALK (8255) or text 898-211 (chat) or access the online database for Louisiana. 


The following agencies offer relief and recovery assistance:


To find an emergency shelter: Locate options by zip code by visiting the American Red Cross, or Salvation Army, or by texting SHELTER and your zip code (for example, “SHELTER 01234”) to 4FEMA (43362). The FEMA Helpline (1-800-621-3362) may be able to provide additional referrals.




Contact your local emergency management agency for help or referral to other disaster assistance partners serving the area.     

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