Center Peace Ministries is a non-denominational ministry committed to making disciples. We strive to be multi-generational and multicultural. Come as you are on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings for an outgoing style of music and a message straight from the heart of God. Center Peace Ministries is a place where you can belong, be loved, and simply believe.
the People of GOD for Kingdom Living.
To RESTORE the image of God in the hearts and minds of His people by renewing vision, reviving purpose, and clarifying direction, to RETAIN dominion over our faith,families, finances, and communities.
We act with integrity in all we do and do whatever God tells us to do. In all we do, we do it for the Glory of God. We love God's people, value life and honor, respect each person. We love others as God loves us. We regard other brothers, sisters as essential members of the body of Christ; as FAMILY. And, with the power of the Holy Spirit, we lead with Godly principals, Christ-like attributes, innate abilities, utilizing our spiritual gifts, talents.
We believe in one God, the Creator of the universe, all things. God eternally exists and reveals Himself in three persons being God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We believe Salvation is a gift that can be given only by God and can be received only by man through his faith, belief in Jesus Christ.
Our leadership team recognizes the authority of God, and realize as shepherds service is unto the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ. Leaders commit to prayer, fasting, study of the Word and equipping His sheep for the work of the ministry until all attain maturity in the fullness of Christ
We seek to save the lost and build the Kingdom of God. Through study of God's Word, fervent prayer, obedience to His will, His way. Through faith and perseverance, we shall positively influence and support the growth of our local communities. We shall strive to mentor and serve as role models for our youth; to participate in civic and social activities for the uplift of the community, protect our environment and forge Kingdom economic development. Our priority is to show up, stand up, and live up to our calling, Citizens of the Kingdom of God.